To help JS quickly identify the most relevant opportunities, all job meta-data was given a consistent tag treatment to increase scan-ability.
Job attributes matching with user a preference (captured elsewhere) were given more visual weight.
To limit job card height (taller cards negatively impact KPIs), retain the value from current features, and reduce cognitive load, I designed a dynamic display system. The more personalized a module was, the higher priority it received.
Many teams across Indeed had a vested interest in how we approached the updated job card.
In order to spend less time reviewing with stakeholders, I put together living documentation outlining current design thinking. I asked stakeholders to review before scheduling a meeting.
This documentation was later rolled into the design system documentation.
I aligned the job listing page metadata tags and matching signals with the job card and reworked the visual hierarchy to help accelerate scanning.
Added a simple feedback loop by leveraging the presence of matching signals (or lack of) to trigger a behavior of adding or updating job preferences.
Multi-select filters had been a long time ask from jobseekers. Teams in the past tried to implement the feature but both attempts ultimately failed.
Leaning on the learnings from past experiments I reworked the design approach and launched the feature for specific categories.